Thursday, December 13, 2018

Fireplace or Formica?

Yesterday I had my first nagging craving. I’ve had a few very brief thoughts about drinking but nothing that lasted more than a minute or two and nothing I couldn’t quickly dismiss. But yesterday was a bit different.

I had the day off with a doctor appointment scheduled at noon and an appointment for my hair at 4PM. Both appointments were in town and I had some free time to grab some lunch between.  Argh. One of my favorite pub restaurants is in town. It is a cozy, warm place with a fireplace, great salads and sandwiches and all decorated for Christmas.  There was absolutely no way I could even consider going there. I have spent far too many hours there with friends, family and alone eating, relaxing and, of course DRINKING!  So poor me. I ended up eating lunch at a Subway at a yellow formica booth.

I know. My mind was equating warm and cozy with drinks and drab yellow formica with AF. And I felt sorry for myself. Blah! I was over it all by the time I reached the hair salon but still, it was an uncomfortable hour or so.


  1. Kate, you did great by avoiding your favorite pub. It's very hard in the early days but it does get easier. Keep going! x
